Diversity Day 2023

About the author : Brand & Communication
Published on : 6/2/23
  • To mark Diversity Day Lëtzebuerg 2023, Sodexo Luxembourg and SoTogether, its diversity network, organised a day brimming with colour for all employees!

    The 13th Diversity Day 

    Diversity Day was initiated by the IMS and the Diversity Charter, of which Sodexo Luxembourg is a founding member. 

    "Operation Cookies" in the colours of the network! Cookies were distributed at all our Sodexo sites to encourage people to take a break and share and discuss diversity issues. 

    The "Vis ma vie" (Live my life) initiative, which has been organised at Sodexo since 2017, has enabled employees to discover another job, another business sector, another site or simply to live another "life" for a day. This year more than 60 people volunteered to swap roles on Tuesday 23 May! Arouse interest in a career, raise awareness and break down stereotypes about professions are just some of the benefits that this initiative aims to achieve every year!



    A diversity breakfast was organised to welcome "Vis ma Vie" participants to the head office. All the participants were able to use a suggestion box to identify the films, books or podcasts that had impressed them on the subject of diversity. The SoTogether network intends to share these recommendations with all its employees! 

    This special initiative on 23 May drew to a close with an evening event organised by the IMS, devoted to the signing of the Diversity Charter in the presence of the Minister, Corinne Cahen. The 13th edition of the Diversity Charter was marked by the arrival of 43 new signatories.