
Working for more sustainable food

Eating well contributes to people’s well-being, health and fulfilment. We are convinced of it! That is why we are committed to providing our consumers with healthy lifestyle choices and encouraging them to make them. As a catering company, it is our duty to offer a delicious, balanced and nutritious diet to as many people as possible! 

Thanks to our team of around ten dieticians in Luxembourg, we can guarantee that our recipes are balanced; we are always at the service of our guests.

Our ambition: to make our menus more plant-based. This is a healthy and balanced choice but also a sustainable one, as it helps to improve our environmental impact while working for the well-being and health of our guests. 

Our plant-based protein alternatives are an excellent way of raising consumer awareness of the nutritional and environmental benefits of meals based on plant proteins. But our plant-based revolution is also about taste and our chefs are the driving force behind this cultural change.  

Thanks to their talent, specific training and the work of our dieticians, our dishes are delicious and pretty to look at, as well as being balanced and more plant-based. Alongside our chefs and dieticians, we have made extraordinary progress towards better eating habits and a healthier, more environmentally friendly lifestyle.  

“Less and Better” is the motto of our plan to make our menus more plant-based.

In this regard, our offer is organized as follows:

  • A combination of dishes that puts the emphasis back on plants: fruit, vegetables, cereals and pulses are the main ingredients on the plate.
  • Traditional meat dishes are still present, but less often or as an option.

In addition to the benefits for human health and animal welfare, the plant-based nature of our menus has a positive impact on our carbon footprint, as it reduces the weight and frequency of use of meat and fish. Moreover, this plant-based choice is more in tune with the rhythm of the seasons and reflects our commitment to locavorism. 


vegetable proteins on menus by 2025. *(at least)


of purchases plant-based by 2025.

Our Corporate Responsibility Report

The Corporate Responsibility report presents the programs and actions implemented throughout 2023. Responsible growth that respects the planet, people and animals.
