
Making safety the number one priority

Because safety at work is everyone’s business. 

At Sodexo, the health and safety of our employees is an absolute priority. We firmly believe that all accidents and incidents can and must be avoided. For us, safety goes far beyond systems, compliance or procedures; it is above all a question of mindset, shared by everyone. 

Our health and safety strategy is built around a vision of zero accidents. This means not only setting up information, awareness and prevention campaigns throughout the year, but also developing a genuine safety culture in which everyone is committed to adopting safe and healthy behavior on a daily basis, for themselves and for others. 

Thanks to everyone’s involvement, we are creating a working environment in which we look after each other, our employees, our customers and our partners. That’s why we’re making safety a daily reality, so that we can live and work with complete peace of mind

Here are some other examples of our safety actions:

  • Security Toolboxes: 10 per year. These information sheets, which are sent to managers, are the subject of a monthly meeting with the whole team.  
  • Near miss reporting: These dangerous situations or conditions could have led to an accident, but serious consequences were avoided thanks to the vigilance of our employees. 
  • Designated safety workers: 6 in total. The mission of these volunteers is to perform the company’s occupational health and safety risk protection and prevention tasks. 

To anchor our zero accident vision, it is crucial to develop and stimulate a genuine culture of occupational risk prevention at Sodexo. We do this in a number of ways: 

  • Integrating health and safety issues into all of our activities. From recruitment to supply management and the sale of services, health and safety is taken into account at every stage. 
  • Communicating on health and safety issues, including through the “Safety Minute” before each meeting, which provides an opportunity to discuss and make progress on these issues. 
  • Identifying opportunities for improvement. We are always on the lookout for opportunities for improvement, and we invest the necessary resources to analyse the risks and hazards encountered by our teams on a daily basis. In this way, everyone contributes to a shared health and safety action plan. 
  • Raising awareness and training in good practice in the field. Safety comes from practice and, above all, good practice. This therefore needs to be learned, tested, encouraged and shared by everyone if it is to be sustainable. 
  • Taking responsibility for health and safety issues. We celebrate good performance, in order to recognize and reward progress and success in this area. 

Our health and safety objectives are only possible thanks to the commitment and involvement of our employees. The performance of our services is based on the strength and quality of their commitment.


of our employees are trained in safety risks


of meetings at Sodexo start with the “Safety minute”


employee engagement rate in 2023 

Our Corporate Responsibility Report

The Corporate Responsibility report presents the programs and actions implemented throughout 2023. Responsible growth that respects the planet, people and animals.
