Stëmm vun der Strooss and Sodexo Luxembourg: Every gesture counts!


Help those who need it

Founded in 1996, the Stëmm vun der Strooss association promotes social integration in Luxembourg. Every day, 47 employees working at five different sites welcome people in difficulty. The association provides information, catering and laundering services as well as various re-integration workshops. In total, more than 300 men and women receive help on a daily basis thanks to donations from the Luxembourg state, companies and individuals:

In order to carry out our work, all forms of good will are welcome. Whether you are a company or an individual, your donations, your time or your skills can really make a difference.

Alexandra OxacelayDirector at Stëmm vun der Strooss

As part of the Stop Hunger initiative which tackles hunger across the world, Sodexo has been working with Stëmm vun der Strooss since 2014 on projects aimed at improving the quality of life of people in difficulty.

Thanks to the active participation of our employees and customers, Sodexo carries out work each year to support the development of Stëmm vun der Strooss.